1. Choose your date & venue
“Unrecognised Leaders, Tomorrow’s Hope” will be available for screenings in March, 2017. Simply choose a date, time and venue that work best for you and your audience. Be sure to let Burma Link know in advance so that we can send you the download link to the film and also list your screening on our website and on our Facebook page to help you get a larger turnout.
Date: It’s best to avoid choosing a date on which the film will be shown elsewhere in your area or other events are taking place.
Time: The film is approximately 45 minutes long. You will want to set aside time before and after the screening for set-up and take-down. Depending on your venue and audience, you can either organise a morning or evening screening.
Venue: The best screening locations tend to be schools, colleges, universities, libraries, community centres, restaurants, cinemas, etc., but really anywhere with the space for your audience, a projector and a screen will work. If the venue that you want to use doesn’t have a projector or media player, you can often borrow or rent these locally. You don’t even necessarily need a venue and a projector as you could always screen the film at your own house too. You can consider whether you would like to offer some refreshment to your audience.
2.Consider making the screening into a larger event
Perhaps after the screening, you want to organize speakers to discuss the content in the documentary, or for example related issues such as refugees, youth, or education in your area. You could invite speakers and organise a Q&A session. You can also consider whether you would like to offer refreshments and/or food for your audience. Be sure to advertise the screening in your local area and online!
Advertising suggestions: word-of-mouth, local media (TV/radio/newspaper), social media (Facebook/Twitter), student groups, activist associations, flyers, email mailings and make sure to submit your screening to us too! You can contact us and let us know about the date, time, venue, and any other relevant information about your screening and we can add it to our vents calendar.
Charging your audience for the event is up to you, but we would appreciate it if profits would come back to the production team.
You can tell your audience that the film was 100% made by non-paid volunteers, so the audience can give back what they think it was worth!
You could charge a set amount or simply ask for donations. Your attendees also have the option of donating directly to Burma Link via our PayPal or EU bank account. These donations are always welcome as they allow us to continue our work advocating for Burma’s ethnic minorities and displaced populations.
3. Getting a copy of the documentary
The link to the documentary is available at no cost to you. The documentary is available in two different languages (with subtitles): English and Burmese. We will send you a download link after you contact us with basic details about your launch plan (organiser, date & time, place, expected guests).
4. Preparing for the screening
Once you have the documentary downloaded on your laptop, the only technical things you need are a projector, the connection cables to connect your laptop to the projector and speakers. You will also need to make sure that you have enough seating and a suitable screen/wall on which to show the film. If you have people coming to speak or a Q&A session planned, you will probably also want to have a microphone on hand. Be sure to test all of these components well in advance so that you are ready to go at screening time. It is also a good idea to have a sign in book for the audience so you know who and how many people attended, and you can email and thank them afterwards.
What to check for:
- Is the colour correct when displayed on the screen?
- Are the proportions right? (If they aren’t, you may need to change the aspect ratio.)
- Does it sound clear with no background noise? Is it loud enough? Be sure to consider sounds in the room or nearby that may be heard during your screening.
- Which lights will you turn off during the screening? Make sure you have access to these light switches.
- Check you have a sign up book ready for guests.
5. Prior to the screening
It’s always a good idea to introduce yourself, your organization, and the documentary prior to starting the film. Please tell you audience that the film was produced by Burma Link with Karen Student Network Group (KSNG) and Karen Youth Organisation (KYO) (more information below), in partnership with Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN) and Right to Play.
6. After the screening
Perhaps you want to host a discussion or debate after the documentary. These types of healthy interactions are great for sharing experiences and insights. Your audience may also want to learn more about the film, the cause, or the situation in Burma. You can direct them to https://voicesofyouth.burmalink.org/ and http://www.burmalink.org/.
For donations, you can direct them to Burma Link’s PayPal or our European bank account.
Please take photos and tell us about your screening! Contact us and send photos from your event along with information such as the date, time, venue, and how many people attended. We can feature your photos and add the information to this website and the film Facebook page! IMPORTANT! Before sending us any photos, please make sure to check with everyone who is recognisable in your photos if they are comfortable having their photo featured on online platforms and/or other electronic/printed materials. By sending us your photos you agree for us and out partners to use them freely.
Thank you for your support and interest in our film and we hope that you enjoy it!